HitchFest – the hitchhiking Festival – was a gathering about travelling, ecology, activism, self-discovery and awareness. It was the predecessor of Festança!!
It took place in 2019 in the north of Portugal. There, we shared knowledge and experiences collected on the road. We learned to know ourselves, to trust in life and to act in order to transform the world.
Between the 31st of July and the 4th of August of 2019, we chose to laid-back with our backpacks on the river banks of the river Rio Sousa, in Lousada, Portugal.
HitchFest 2019 was a stunning festival where we praised the community well-being, and where each one of us contributed with what we had: a free and conscious donation at the entrance, volunteering in the kitchen, leftover fabrics for the decoration of the festival, a concert, a workshop…
Two thousand people enjoyed HitchFest, that took place in the park Parque de Merendas do Ameal. They were coming from the nearest village and from the most remote corner of the world. Lots of moments that are difficult to forget!